Something to Meditate On

A large majority of the Church world, including most people professing to be Christians, consider Christianity to be just another religion like all the others, but that is a grave mistake.

Because of what Jesus did at His crucifixion by making a blood-covenant with the Father and with the human family, we can become children of God by being “born again”, or more correctly “born from above”.  He has restored a way for us to live the same way Adam did in the original creation of the human family.  We have also been restored to “THAT” which was lost and that is we now have the “LIFE” (zoe) of God within us and we have also had “dominion and authority” restored to us. 

The Holy Spirit is the greatest gift God has ever given to the human family.

The vast majority of people don’t realize this basic principle of life.  We humans are a “spirit” being that has been wrapped in flesh and happens to live inside a body made of flesh, blood, bone, etc.  We don’t think about that reality.  We only consider ourselves as flesh and the stuff that makes up that flesh.  Because of this, we don’t see or understand the truths concerning being a spiritual being.  We focus so much attention on this outer part of our being that we neglect the REAL YOU of our being and we don’t really believe what the Bible tells us because it applies predominately about the REAL YOU:  The Spiritual Man or Woman inside that flesh body.  Without acknowledging that you are spirit that is wrapped in a flesh suit you probably will not believe what the Bible says you really are and, therefore, will not inherit the benefits the Bible says you will have.  That would be a very foolish decision.  The BEST WAY to develop your spirit life is in a small group where you can ask questions and actually be discipled through TRAINING and watching others that are farther along in their training and by using what you have already been taught.

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