FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real

The word “terrorist” is a person who invokes terror, or fear.  Terrorism are the acts of those who invoke fear.  This country is under attack by many terrorists including Islamic terrorists, illegal immigrant terrorists, democratic politician terrorists, (socialist, Marxist, communist) terrorists, and many other forms of terrorists attacking us from sides; but the two biggest forms of terrorism come from our own news media and the democratic politicians.  Americans seem to be filled with fear  (FEAR = false evidence appearing real) because we watch and listen to the news media; but God says to the body of Christ  “Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”

There are two kingdoms in conflict that are being made visible in this country right now:  the kingdom of darkness ruled by Satan and his army versus the kingdom of God represented by the remnant Church.  It appears the darkness is winning, but don’t be blinding by the darkness.  Help is on the way.  The power of the Holy Spirit working through His people will cause a significant revival of POWER with signs and wonders that will overcome the tactics of the darkness and cause paralyzing fears to come upon our enemies.  God was the guiding force that founded this country and He will not allow it to be overcome by a defeated fallen angel named Lucifer.

The primary weapon being used against us is debilitating FEAR that comes through the media and can be resisted and defeated by using our shield of faith and the Sword of the Spirit.

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