An Amazing Truth

To me, the absolutely amazing truth is that Jesus chose to embody a group of humans on this earth who He called out of the kingdom of darkness under Lucifer’s control and transferred them into an organism called the “ekklesia, or Church. He said that this Church that He was building would be the ongoing incarnation of God’s Word on this planet as the “Body of Christ” and would be empowered with the same Holy Spirit that empowered Him when He was walking this earth. This Body of Christ is composed of men and women called out of darkness, transferred into God’s kingdom, empowered with the Holy Spirit, and restored with the dominion that Adam lost, but Jesus regained. He has made us to be kings and priests replacing Him on this earth to continue with the work He started and enforcing His victory over Lucifer and the kingdom of darkness.

Are you one of those He has called out of the darkness and given dominion over His creation on this earth?


For more click here: Your Supernatural Christian Life

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